Friday, December 5, 2008

Jokes of the day

1. There are 3 Male and 1 Female pencils in a box. The Female pencil got pregnant !! Which Male pencil is responsible?


2. Woman in bed with husband's best friend, phone rings!

"YES".. OK, BYE". She turns to her lover and says, "THAT'S MY HUBBY, SAYS HE'S NOW GOLFING WITH YOU"

3. Girlfriends are appetizers. Tastes good at any time.

Mistresses are Tomyams..Hot and spicy. Eaten frequently.

WIVES are Maggie. Eaten when there's nothing to eat.!!!

4. Income Tax office asked a Mama-san why she puts her occupation as CHICKEN FARMER.

She replied: I RAISED 5,000 "CHICS" LAST YEAR.!!

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